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[CN] CCC Optional Extended Defense Pact

An open repository for all of KoRT's intra-alliance treaties, and other non-classified documentation.
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Knights of the Grail
Posts: 5224
Joined: 09 Apr 2012, 19:50
Nation Name: Knights of the Grail

[CN] CCC Optional Extended Defense Pact

Post by Knights of the Grail »

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CCC Optional Extended Defense Pact

In recognition of our close friendship, and in the spirit of continued prosperity and mutual success, the Christian Coalition of Countries, hereafter referred to as the CCC, and the Knights of the Round Table, hereafter referred to as KoRT, do hereby enter this Pact of Optional Extended Defense.

Article I. Non-aggression
Both the CCC and KoRT pledge themselves to a policy of non-aggression towards one another in both word and deed, and will strive for a relationship full of graciousness and tact. Any breach of this policy, by either side, will be dealt with in a timely and efficient manner.

Article II. Intelligence
Should either party come into information pertinent to the other, they are obligated to provide it at the earliest possible time.

Article III. Optional Defense
Should one party be attacked by a third party, the attacked party may request the assistance, either economic or military, from the other signatory. Providing this assistance is highly encouraged by the spirit of cooperation between the CCC and KoRT, but it is not mandatory.

Article IV. Extended Defense
Both parties extend the optional defense outlined in Article III to the treaty partners of their fellow signatory, when the war in question is not a result of actions taken due to other treaty obligations. The signatory whose treaty partner was assaulted must request intervention from the other for this article to be properly activated.

Article V. Termination
Either party may terminate this treaty with 72 hours written notice to the other signatory.

Signed for the Christian Coalition of Countries:
Llanowar Elf - Chancellor
Wes the Wise - Vice Chancellor
Wrath of God - Minister of Defense
Les Paul Supreme - Minister of Internal Affairs
Ruler the White - Minister of Foreign Affairs

Signed for The Knights of the Round Table:
Knights of the Grail, Knight-King
Amstel78, Knight-Administrator
Celio, Knight-Ambassador

August 12, 2014

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Knights of the Grail
Posts: 5224
Joined: 09 Apr 2012, 19:50
Nation Name: Knights of the Grail

Re: [CN] CCC Optional Extended Defense Pact

Post by Knights of the Grail »

Treaty cancelled by The High Council of the Christian Coalition of Countries, March 11, 2021.

"Christendom is Cancelled in Camelot"
https://forums.cybernations.net/topic/1 ... n-camelot/

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