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Stupid !@#^$#$ host screwed up the DB again last night

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Stupid !@#^$#$ host screwed up the DB again last night

Post by amstel78 »

It was supposed to be simple:

1. Go back to 21 October;
2. Restore old "knights" folder and rename it something else, like "knights_restored"
3. Do NOT under any circumstance overwrite the current "knights" folder (which this updated forum resides in)

No.... those assclowns overwrote the original folder corrupting the DB in the process. So, instead of doing actual work that I'm supposed to be getting paid for, I'm having to fix iPower's screw-up.

As a result, I believe we had one new Knight sign up sometime late last night or early this morning. Well, the last good DB I was able to restore from was from the day prior, so all new users and private messages sent since then are gone.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience. Maybe I oughta sell this forum to someone else willing to take care of it, because honestly, I'm losing my patience.


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St Mungo
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Re: Stupid !@#^$#$ host screwed up the DB again last night

Post by St Mungo »

Pull yourself together man? KoRT needs you!

:? :roll: :confusion-shrug: I don't know how to tell you this. Now keep clam: I still cant play videos. Black screen with no play button.
Last edited by amstel78 on 06 Nov 2017, 16:35, edited 1 time in total.
"Father, let Glasgow flourish through the preaching of thy word and praising thy name." 

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Re: Stupid !@#^$#$ host screwed up the DB again last night

Post by amstel78 »

I'll have to figure the video thing out.. I think it's slow to cache sometimes as the server is also going through Cloudflare to prevent hackers/spammers

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Re: Stupid !@#^$#$ host screwed up the DB again last night

Post by mcdouggal »

I just sent the message to the new knight.

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Re: Stupid !@#^$#$ host screwed up the DB again last night

Post by amstel78 »

I'll have a fix for the videos in a minute. The old BB tag for video won't work anymore with this version.

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St Mungo
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Re: Stupid !@#^$#$ host screwed up the DB again last night

Post by St Mungo »

test_user wrote:
06 Nov 2017, 11:28
Yea, to the test_user :whistle:
"Father, let Glasgow flourish through the preaching of thy word and praising thy name." 
