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If you are a foreign diplomat requesting a mask or embassy, please register as described above and start a new thread and application in the Diplomatic Liaison Service section. Usually within 24 hours, your post will be approved and your account masked accordingly. If you also requested an embassy, that should be created within 24-48 hours after your account has been masked.

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Forum and group restructuring

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Forum and group restructuring

Post by amstel78 »

Beginning today and probably going sometime into the end of August, the forum will be under construction. A need has risen to reorganize the forum layout and revamp the user access groups. This is in part due to the way KoRT has begun to branch out into different online games where the focus isn't strictly Cyber Nations. The purpose of this is to make things a bit easier for the admin/mod staff to mask new users if/when KoRT decides to add another franchise to its already impressive dossier.

The modification of the forums will be done in 2 phases:

Phase 1 - reorganization of forum sections
Phase 2 - overview and modification of user groups and access rights.

So with that said, there may be a day or two sometime in the future where the forum may be inaccessible. There will also be some visual changes and rearranging of the way the forum sections are structured now. Whatever changes may occur however won't be very drastic; the forum will keep and maintain its current look and atmosphere.

If anyone has any thoughts, questions, or concerns, feel free to PM me or post here.


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Re: Forum and group restructuring

Post by amstel78 »

Phase 1 is just about done. Forum re-structuring. I'm sure you've noticed. :wtf:

I hope that the reorganization of the forums and sections lend to a more streamlined environment. Things make sense now when you look at them. For example, all CN, PN, and NS sections are now separate and have their own topic area. Forum sections like the Welcome Tent and Diplomatic Liaison Service have also been removed from CN KoRT and have been given their own space.

If you're so inclined, let me know if you like, hate, or want to see something changed regarding the new layout.

The hard part involving the user groups and access rights will be dealt with at a later date.

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Re: Forum and group restructuring

Post by Sir Benevale »

Our old Orange Guru approves!

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Re: Forum and group restructuring

Post by The Overseer »

Thou shalt find me in *Le* Ale House every day of the week. Great work!
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Re: Forum and group restructuring

Post by amstel78 »

Thanks; glad you approve of the changes.

Now, regarding the groups and associated access rights, once I start to change those, I'll probably have to modify each active user's groups. As such, I might miss a few people who will log in and not see anything except the general forums. If you find yourself in that position, please PM me and I'll fix it.

I plan to start Phase 2 modifications sometime next week when I have a few days off.

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Re: Forum and group restructuring

Post by The Overseer »

Incidentally, should we move the "Resignations" topic from the Great Hall to the Welcome Tent? It would make sense in my opinion as currently only CN players can view it.
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Re: Forum and group restructuring

Post by skaha »

Do we really want new members to see the resignations?

Maybe we should have a welcome tent for each section?

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Re: Forum and group restructuring

Post by amstel78 »

I don't think new members or guests should be able to see the resignations thread. That's my opinion.

As for the phase 2 changes, I'm a bit delayed on those but they'll happen soon.

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Re: Forum and group restructuring

Post by amstel78 »

I've been a bit delayed with phase 2 but the changes are coming soon. Once they happen, if you log in to the forums and you no longer see the forum sections that you normally, would, please message me. When you send me a message, please state what games you participate in; i.e. CN, PN, NS, or all of the above. If you're a diplomat, please let me know what games you're a diplomat in and what your embassy name is.

I apologize ahead of time for the mess these changes are inevitably going to make, but they're necessary to ensure continued smooth operations for the forum.

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Re: Forum and group restructuring

Post by amstel78 »

Phase 2 changes complete.

All user groups have been restructured and I believe I got everybody assigned to their right groups. If however you log in and don't see what you're supposed to see, then please message me and I'll fix your permissions.
