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Dories and Lances Treaty

An open repository for all of KoRT's intra-alliance treaties, and other non-classified documentation.
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Knights of the Grail
Posts: 5224
Joined: 09 Apr 2012, 19:50
Nation Name: Knights of the Grail

Dories and Lances Treaty

Post by Knights of the Grail »


Based on mutual admiration and rooted in a common desire to shape a more just world, the Knights of the Round Table and Sparta hereby sign this,


Article I
The Knights of the Round Table and Sparta (hereafter: the Signatories) are sovereign alliances in accordance with their respective Charters, Constitutions, and/or other acts, which are not preempted by this treaty.

Article II
Communications and discussions between the Signatories shall remain confidential during the duration and after termination of this Treaty, unless otherwise agreed upon by both Signatories.

Article III
The Signatories will resolve all disputes amicably and privately, in good faith. This also extends to matters relating to Signatories’ protectorates and other allies.

Article IV
The Signatories shall coordinate all relevant activities, including diplomatic, economic, and military activities, as deemed necessary for the advancement of common goals and common ideas.

Article V
The Signatories will inform the others of any relevant intelligence collected or otherwise obtained, especially that pertaining to the other Signatory’s affairs.

Article VI
Each Signatory may request of the other assistance in defensive conflicts, to which the other is not obliged to respond as requested.

Article VII
Each Signatory shall undertake all reasonable measures to avoid waging war against treaty partners of the other Signatory. If not possible, the Signatories will inform each other before any action occurs and will refrain from engaging in military acts against the other.

Article VIII
This Treaty may be amended with the consent of both Signatories, in accordance with their internal regulations and processes.

Article IX
Either Signatory may withdraw from this treaty with 72 hours notice, provided in private. Following this, a formal public announcement shall be made.

Signed for Sparta
Whitetigger, King of Sparta
Tim (Ezeriel), King of Sparta

Signed: 27th September 2020

Signed for the Knights of the Round Table
Knights of the Grail, Knight-King
Dirk Struan, Knight-Senator
Mordred, Knight-Heir

Ratified: 29th September, 2020
