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The Grand Confederation Protectorate Agreement

An open repository for all of KoRT's intra-alliance treaties, and other non-classified documentation.
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Knights of the Grail
Posts: 5224
Joined: 09 Apr 2012, 19:50
Nation Name: Knights of the Grail

The Grand Confederation Protectorate Agreement

Post by Knights of the Grail »

The Grand Confederation Protectorate Agreement

In order to foster development, expansion, and sanctuary to those seeking its help, the Knights of the Round Table pledges the following protection and support to the undersigned Protectorate:

Article I: Sovereignty

The sovereignty of the Protectorate and the Knights of the Round Table shall be respected and shall not be infringed upon. The Protectorate may freely request diplomatic assistance and guidance in any matter.

Article II: Non-Aggression

The Protectorate shall not initiate raids or wars, except in self-defense. Neither the Knights of the Round Table nor the Protectorate shall conduct acts of aggression or espionage in any form against the other.

Article III: Defense

To discourage hostilities, the Protectorate will include "Protected by the Knights of the Round Table" in its alliance description. In the event of any unprovoked aggressive action against the Protectorate, the Knights of the Round Table may offer assistance first through diplomacy, then foreign aid, and finally military action. The Protectorate shall not be obligated to provide assistance in the event of any aggressive act against the Knights of the Round Table. The Protectorate shall not provide aid to nations or alliances at war with the Knights of the Round Table.

Article IV: Senate

The Knights of the Round Table may ask the Protectorate members, but Protectorate members are not obligated, to vote for a Team Color Senate candidate chosen by the Knights of the Round Table.

Article V: Embassy

The Protectorate will establish an Embassy within the Forum of the Knights of the Round Table, and shall provide a diplomat for official relations.

Article VI: Cancellation

The Protectorate or the Knights of the Round Table may terminate this agreement with 24 hours written notice.

Signed for the Knights of the Round Table:
Knights of the Grail, Knight-King
St Mungo, Scottish Laird
Ratified 9/29/2018

Signed for The Grand Confederation:
LukeDiamondking, President
Signed 9/26/2018
Last edited by Knights of the Grail on 30 Sep 2018, 17:26, edited 1 time in total.
