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[CN] Emerald Economic Community

An open repository for all of KoRT's intra-alliance treaties, and other non-classified documentation.
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Knights of the Grail
Posts: 5224
Joined: 09 Apr 2012, 19:50
Nation Name: Knights of the Grail

[CN] Emerald Economic Community

Post by Knights of the Grail »

Emerald Economic Community
Green Senate Treaty

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity

We, the united alliances of the green sphere, hereby come together in order to forge an inclusive community that seeks to benefit all members of our sphere. We seek to establish a team that welcomes and respects alliances of all sizes and ages. We hope that this document will help us better pursue that vision.

Article I - Senators
To safeguard the Green Senate and keep any alliance from achieving hegemony, the signatory alliances agree to have no more than two (2) Green Team Senators at any one time. Alliances agree to instruct the people they put forward as Senators to vote according to the articles of this Agreement.

Article II - Proposals
In the spirit of cooperation within the Green Team, all senate proposals are to be discussed amongst signatory alliances to try and reach the optimum outcome for all signatory alliances. Every member of this Agreement will be equally represented when it comes to making the decision on that optimum outcome. This discussion will be allotted a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours per proposal. In the case of a repeat proposal, the required discussion time may be waived by majority vote.

Article III - Membership
Any alliance which primarily resides on the Green Team is eligible to join as a member of this Agreement. To officially ratify a new member to the Agreement, a simple majority of current members is required. Any alliance may withdraw from the Agreement at any time, and should there be an impasse beyond reproach, a simple majority vote can remove an alliance from the Agreement.

Article IV - Neutral Parties
Any alliance that meets the above prerequisites may sign this Agreement as a neutral member. They forego the right to vote on motions to remove or approve a member from or to this Agreement apart from themselves. To ensure their neutrality, their senators may abstain via refraining from voting for proposals; this judgement is to be left to the discretion of the neutral member.

Signed for the Viridian Entente,

Goldie, Lord
Baltus, Duke
Supreme 142, Secretary of State
Cardsrock32, Secretary of the Interior
SWEEEEET RONNY D, Secretary of Defense
Lieutenant Yenroh, Secretary of Economics

Signed for Mortal Wombat,

Empress Kiley, Goddess of ChaosRealm
Howlin Mad, God of OutWorld
Hellhound, God of EarthRealm

Signed for the Green Old Party, as a neutral signatory

Samwise, Triumvir of Foreign Affairs
doitfojesus, Triumvir of Internal Affairs
willij, Triumvir of Military Affairs

Signed for the Knights of the Round Table,

Knights of the Grail, Knight-King
The Overseer, Knight-Overseer
Skaha, Knight-Senator
TalCyrus, Knight-Ambassador
Floria Purpulious, Knight-Ambassador
Cutler, Knight-Ambassador

Ratified 9/19/2014
Signed 9/20/2014

Signed for the Green Protection Agency, as a neutral signatory

benfinan, President
probablamenteno, Vice President
Arrnea, Minister of Defense
Lyrositor, Minister of Economics
Imperator, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Willems, Minister of Internal Affairs
Printer635, Minister of Membership Compliance
