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[CN/PN] The Royal Charter

An open repository for all of KoRT's intra-alliance treaties, and other non-classified documentation.
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Knights of the Grail
Posts: 5224
Joined: 09 Apr 2012, 19:50
Nation Name: Knights of the Grail

[CN/PN] The Royal Charter

Post by Knights of the Grail »

The Royal Charter of the Knights of the Round Table

The Knights of the Round Table is a fellowship of sovereign nations, equal in standing, regardless of strength or creed. Knights may speak freely at the Round Table, without fear of insult or reprisal.

The Knights of the Round Table strive for Strength, Prosperity, Dedication, Chivalry, and Education in a way unparalleled. To be a member of the Round Table is to be a shining beacon in an otherwise unruly world.


Knights are all the members of the alliance, and have one vote at the Round Table.

The King shall be a knight who is the spokesman for the alliance. He shall speak for the alliance, sign treaties, and in times of alliance-wide wars, sign declarations and organize war efforts. He shall sit at the Round Table and vote like any knight. He shall administer the Forums.

The Round Table shall consist of all the alliance Knights, and shall have the authority, by a majority vote, to pass laws, to approve wars, to appoint ambassadors, to ratify treaties, to approve and expel members, and to elect or remove a king; and by a two-thirds vote, to amend the charter.


Any nation may join the alliance by changing its alliance affiliation to Knights of the Round Table and agreeing to comply with the Royal Charter.

A member shall be considered a knight and be entitled to vote at the Round Table.

A nation that desires to leave the alliance may do so freely and without fear of reprisal provided that it sends a resignation, discharges its debts, and completes all aid obligations.

Colours and Banners

Member nations may display any team colour and may display any banner, flag, family crest, or coat-of-arms.

Raiding and War

Members of the alliance shall not conduct tech raids.

No member may declare war on another nation without the consent of a majority vote of the Round Table, unless in defense of another member.

A declaration of war on an entire alliance requires the approval of a majority vote of the Round Table, must be signed by the king, and must be publicly posted.

A member nation at war may use any weapons at its disposal. Member nations may request war aid and assistance from the alliance.


Disputes among knights shall be aired in the Forum. The Round Table shall mediate the dispute in accordance with the laws and traditions of the realm.

Alleged violations of the charter will be posted in the Forums. The Round Table shall weigh the allegations by severity, and punishment may include reprimand, penance, reparations, or expulsion from the alliance.

Nations flying the banner of the Knights of the Round Table without approval, also known as ghosting, will be treated as hostile, and, 48 hours after fair warning, be subject to the articles of war of the alliance or other action as determined by the Round Table.


Any knight may propose an amendment to the charter.

The charter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Round Table after a 14-day period of discussion.

(July 15, 2011)
(Amended May 20, 2012)
