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New Global War Room forum

Posted: 18 Apr 2020, 06:41
by amstel78
Greetings fellow knights, fair maidens, diplomats, and Mungo,

Some of you may have noticed the addition of a new forum called ***Global War Room*** (GWR). This was created to facilitate detailed communications between KoRT and other alliances within the CN-verse during times of war. It's here that attachments such as charts and graphs can be uploaded for detailed study and review, while still permitting real-time communications between all parties. For those knights wondering what the difference is between the GWR and our own Round Table (RT), the RT is strictly for intra-alliance war-related communications, whereas the GWR includes our external partners.

This section is currently only visible to current KoRT members and those diplomats from alliance partners who specifically request access, and are granted approval by a forum moderator or administrator. If you are a diplomat from an alliance we or our strategic partners are in a war against, please don't bother asking for access because it will not be given for obvious reasons.

Should you have any questions regarding this new forum section, please don't hesitate to ask.

Cheers and kind regards,