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So I've been MIA for a while

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Re: So I've been MIA for a while

Post by Cutler »

Congrats on your promotion amstel!
Formerly known as The Glorious Emperor, prone to disappear for months on end.

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Re: So I've been MIA for a while

Post by amstel78 »

Thanks Cutler! :D

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St Mungo
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Re: So I've been MIA for a while

Post by St Mungo »

Yes, Amstel! Congrats on your promotion! :)

They keep trying to promote me. But I keep saying NO!
I'm not taking the blame when things out of my control go bad! :whistle:
"Father, let Glasgow flourish through the preaching of thy word and praising thy name." 

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Re: So I've been MIA for a while

Post by Knights of the Grail »

A tip of the chalice to Amstel78! Do you have a view of the river yet?

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Re: So I've been MIA for a while

Post by amstel78 »

I've had a river view for quite a long time before the capital master plan renovations took place. Then they moved my section to swing spaces on 46th street a few years ago. It seems however that we're staying in our temporary building for at least the next 5 years. As part of my promotion however, I moved from a fairly large cubicle to an office with a door. Unfortunately for me, the view is of the adjacent building so I get to look at a brick wall all day long. Image

On a side note, I now have 3 monitors on my desk.

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